Friday, August 31, 2018

What's currently on the paint bench?

Hey guys!

Recently I have been able to finish up my 15mm American Paratrooper platoon for Chain of Command, and while I have a couple more bits and bobs left on my todo list in order to run a couple campaigns, I have currently gotten completely side tracked. As often happens with us wargamers we like to switch projects and game systems at the glimpse of an eye. So, out of seemingly nowhere, this week I decided to work on two very different sets of miniatures. The first little project was to get started on finally painting some 6mm Baccus Napoleonics which I have been sitting around untouched for nearly a decade. These were extremely quick and easy to paint, in two days I managed to paint up and base 96 little Russians. I'm very pleased with how they turned out and now have on my hands the task of painting a whole bunch more infantry, cavalry and artillery. In any case here are the little fellas!

Completely unrelated to historical wargaming I decided to also set on the side some old Games Workshop Lord of the figures, I have never actually painted 28mm miniatures and found that, while they naturally take a lot longer, it is a lot easier to get some nice realistic highlighting. I tried to work with different colors and have some fun, not aiming to actually replicate how they look in the movies. You seldom get to paint some exciting and bright colors when working on historical miniatures, so this side project was fantastic in helping me stay motivated and to have some fun on the side. I am extremely please on how they both turned out, particularly the fella on the right!

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